--July: My wife and Unvailed the big secret: WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!! I am so excited and unprepared, I don't know what to do. More of this later.
At the same time all this is happening, I start my New Job with VIH Cougar Helicopters as a Rescue Specialist. The plan was to start in September, so I had to withdraw from the last two classes in the way of my B.S. I'm frustrated and excited. The job is a chance of a lifetime. All my US Navy Rescue Swimmer buddies and I hear about these jobs, but never hear about anyone having them. Somehow, i was in the right place and the right time leading to an interview, leading to a job. Stoked. VIH Cougar
The job requirs me to travel, fly in Helicopters, jump out every so often, and really help people. My cup of tea... or, my quad shot of espresso. There are more differences in the Cougar version of Search and Rescue that I am grappling with, but over-all I can't complain. A very good way to make a living. The biggest Suck is being gone from my walking oven baking my little cinnamon bun. I fly out of Galliano, LA an hour south of the Big Easy, DEEP in "Da Bayou". Our contracts are with the major Oil companies in the oil patch, so we fly out to the Oil Rigs in the gulf, mostly. There is more to it than that, but you get the idea. I am on call for a couple of weeks, then I fly home.
--August Big news... Baby Fout! My wife is currently 22 weeks pregnant with our first. I have been reading daddy books to try and prepare me for the biggest adventure of all: Daddyhood. Even with all the lifesaving and flying and globetrotting, rearing a new life will be the most challenging and (hopefully) responsible thing I have ever attempted -- compunded by the fact ITS gonna be a GIRL!!! The Radar Myth Confirmed*. We had our second Ultrasound -- The cool one where they tell you the sex of the baby. I don't have an uploaded picture, but she is definitely a SHE. And for those waiting to ask, yes, we have a name. No, I won't tell you. It is a surprise. Deal.
--September After a surprise schedule change, I ended up with 3 weeks off this month. I go back to Louisiana at the end of the month, so we are taking full advantage of this and visiting family in Ohio and Mississipi. We are still able to travel at this point, and I don't think I will be able to during the holidays since I don't know my schedule yet, and will most likely be working Thanksgiving
and Christmas. I hope to be able to work all of January as well to make up for time I will be taking off in February wen the Baby pops out. So we are traveling!
We drove up to Ohio first; a drive I have made a bajillion and a half times it seems. Mama is still nervous in the mountains. We had a chance to see My Parents, my little brothers, go to the OSU/ USC football game(!), do a little Kayaking, and see my Grandmothers. It was a very nice trip, and being it has been over a year since I had been up there, a very good chance to go. We also had a chnce to stop at an Amish country store. They make some of the best food on the planet from the freshest ingredients by hand. Just like Great Grandma used to make. Its the only White Bread I don't feel bad eating. A slice of my childhood. (The store is just up the road from the church camp we went to as kids; we would stop every summer.)
We cruised on down south to visit Family in Mississippi. Since travel takes longer with an expectant mother, we decided to stop in NashVegas for the halfway point. I love Nashville. We went down to music row to listen to some good unadulterated country bands and get some grub. It was the first time I ever had a Burger with Hotdog chili sauce on it. It was a surprisingly awesome combo. Plus, when the chili falls off your burger onto your fries you get chili cheese fries. but, I difress. Nashville rules.
Now we're in Jackson, MS. Always a new adventure!
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